National Polytechnic Institute from Toulouse (Toulouse INP) and INSA Toulouse are public institutions of a scientific, cultural and professional nature, under the authority of the ministry in charge of higher education, accredited to award the diplôme d’ingénieur.
Founded in 1969, Toulouse INP Toulouse federates 6 engineering schools : INP-ENSAT, INP- ENSIACET, INP-ENSEEIHT, INP-ENIT, INP-ENM, INP-PURPAN.
Founded in 1963, INSA Toulouse is part of a network made up of 6 INSAs based in Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Centre Val de Loire and Strasbourg.
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Programmes :
8 specializations at INSA, Toulouse, starting with the 4th year of the engineering programme :
- Chemical Engineering and environment
- Biological engineering
- Civil engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- Automatic control, Electronics
- Computer Science and Networks Engineering - Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
INSA Toulouse also offers four Master degrees to Bachelor students, with the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier. Courses are fully taught in French.
Research :
- 8 research laboratories on campus (including six linked with the CRNS and one with INRA)
- 250 PhD students
- 6 Doctoral schools
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INP Toulouse
The Institute delivers engineering degrees, master's degrees and PhDs, and can welcome exchange students for a lot of interesting training programs.
Main programmes of study :
Specializations at Toulouse INP:
In English:
• Masters of Science agrofood, green chemistry, fluid engineering, industrial safety, electrical engineering, water enginnering and management, computer science http://www.
• Summer schools: http://www.inp-
In French: Engineering, agricultural production, agro-bio-industry, agri-food, environment, sustainable development, life sciences, electrical engineering and automation, electronics and signal processing, plant biotechnologies, computer science and applied mathematics, hydraulics and fluid mechanics, telecommunications and networks, fine chemistry, agro-industrial chemistry, materials, chemical engineering, process engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial systems, product quality and food safety, meteorology and climate, http://www.inp-
Research :
Electrical engineering, computer science, fluid mechanics, fine chemistry, materials, agronomy, process engineering - environment, microsystems and electronics, networks and telecommunications, plant biotechnology and genomics, agro-industry, food safety, animal health, meteorology,mechanical engineering, industrial engineering.
INSA Toulouse and Toulouse INP Masters of Sciences
INSA Toulouse and INP Toulouse have developed together 4 Masters of Science (Bachelor level required), for international students :
- Master of Science "Electronic systems for embedded communications and applications" (ESECA)
- Master of Science "Fluids Engineering for Industrial Processes" (FEIP)
- Master of Science "Water Engineering and Water Management"
- Master of Science "Industrial & Safety Engineering"